Diary entries: 3
[ Title: empty
Mood: empty
Date:00/00/24 ]

Nothing here yep!
Diary entries: 2
[ empty
Mood: empty
Date:00/00/24 ]

Nothing here yep!
Diary entries: 1
[ Bummed out n busy
Mood: tired
Date:10/27/24 ]

Hello!!!!!! this is my first actual diary entry since i havent really had any time to work on this part of my site since things got to hectic n i also had commissions come up as well...
Today I've just been working on my website more because i was tired of it looking half done . My goal is to have all the sites done visually by the end of this year and if i need to add anything later on like just extra stuff i can just think about that when the time comes. I just want my website to be fully function sooner so that most of the links wont say under construction and also so i can finally put needed info about my characters up.